Landfill Odors - November 5th

Update on This Weekend’s Odor Issues

Northville - November 5, 2019

Landfill Odors have been terrible over the weekend. There were well over 100 odor complaints received the past several days, some from as far away as Beck and 10 Mile Road area. The Conservancy Initiative contacted both Advanced Disposal Service (ADS) and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) to make sure the odors were being addressed. Here is a summary of what we learned.

Executive Summary

·         As of 5 PM on Tuesday, 11/5, ADS completed the installation of a new horizontal gas well in the northeast section of the landfill and began to establish a vacuum (pull gas through the well). ADS should be able to install a leachate sump in the well and ramp up the vacuum (pull more gas) to normal operating levels tomorrow. ADS believes there should be an immediate improvement in odors and is confident these actions will remedy the increased odors once normal vacuum levels are achieved.


·         ADS found a gas well that had lost vacuum (i.e. - no gas was being removed) in the northeast section of the landfill while investigating odor complaints this weekend. Heavy odors and vapors venting (confirmed visually via bubbling in rain puddles) were present in the area of the failed well. ADS attempted to make a temporary fix to re-establish vacuum that obviously failed.

·         EGLE performed neighborhood inspections on Sunday and detected odors. It is unclear if the odors detected on Sunday were at a level that will result in a Violation Notice. Sunday was the best day (least odors) of the weekend with only 10 odor complaints. There were approximately 40 on Saturday and 46 on Monday.

·         During recent inspections, EGLE has found multiple vents of fugitive gas emission through the surface of the landfill which are big contributors to odors. The gas vents and the well failures may be caused because leachate (water) is not being adequately removed from the landfill. EGLE recently issued the second violation notice in 2019 (the first was in March 2019) which alleges leachate is not being adequately removed from the landfill. ADS must respond to this Violation Notices later this month.  

·         On Tuesday morning, ADS opened up a 200-foot long trench in the landfill to allow the installation of a new horizontal well. Odors from this open trench are not surprising and probably expected (although still a potential violation of Michigan Regulations and probably EPA landfill regulations).

·         The Conservancy Initiative implored ADS that communication with the community would be helpful. We will continue to work for more open communications with the landfill.